Category : History

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Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh: The Conquerer of Constantinople

by Abdul Latip Talib

This is the story of the legendary Muhammad Al Fateh, following him from his childhood and how he was raised by his father to become a Caliph of Islam, through to his appointment as the Caliph of the ...

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Travelog Misteri Israel Kuasai Dunia

by Mohd. Nadzri Kamsin

Buku ini mendedahkan pelbagai sejarah konspirasi yang dicetuskan oleh kelompok zionis Israel. Seluruh dunia sememangnya sudah mengetahui mengenai kejahatan dan huru hara yang ditimbulkan oleh musuh-mu ...

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Zubair bin Awwam

by Al Ghazali

Kisah Zubair bin Awwam, antara sahabat Nabi Muhammad saw yang dijamin syurga. Kisah beliau dari kecil sampailah beliau meninggal dunia.

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